Workplace Shooter: Knowing What to do Can Save Lives
Workplace Shooter: Knowing What to do Can Save Lives
When there’s a shooter in the workplace, doing these eight things can save you and your employees from injury or worse.
Imagine the worst happening at your business: an active shooter situation! Workplace shootings, school shootings, church shootings, bullying, workplace rage, shopping mall shootings, movie theater shootings, hospital and health club shootings are happening more and more. And employers have an ethical and legal responsibility to protect their employees in these situations.
We live in a challenging time. We’re targets for terrorists, for frustrated and angry students and co-workers, for embittered spouses, and for people looking for their “15 minutes of fame.” Social outcasts are always expressing their fears and anger towards anyone they feel may have wronged them at any time during their life. And we are their targets. The unimaginable has unfortunately now become imaginable. Do you know what to do to protect yourself, your employees and your customers?
What to do about a Workplace Shooter
If you should be confronted with an active shooter at your business here are some tips on how to protect your employees and yourself:
- Always be aware of your surroundings. Notice any unusual behavior or manner of dress such as heavy clothing during warm months. If you notice something, call 911.
- If you are near a door or window IMMEDIATELY exit the building.
- If you are in a room with no exit, IMMEDIATELY close the door and lock it or block it with heavy furniture. Hide under or behind furniture so as not to be seen.
- If a shooter comes in and starts shooting, lay flat on the floor or hide behind furniture, in a closet or anywhere out of sight.
- Throw item(s) at the shooter to impair his/her ability to shoot or aim accurately. You can then either attack the shooter's arm that is holding the gun, or if possible exit the room during the ensuing confusion.
- If you are being shot at and can run, always run in a zigzag pattern until out of sight or out of range. Do not run in a straight line.
- If you can, yell: "help, man with gun" repeatedly and get to safety.
- Carry a rubber door stopper in your purse, gym bag, backpack, etc. to use in emergencies.
Nothing can prevent shootings but being prepared and knowing what to do can help save lives in the event of an incident.