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Women and Fraud: Special Considerations for Investigating the Pink Collar Criminal

Women and Fraud: Special Considerations for Investigating the Pink Collar Criminal


Picture a typical fraudster and you’re likely to picture a male manager in his mid-40s with a nice car and a friendly smile. After all, the typical fraudster does fit this profile, according to a 2016 KPMG study. However, there’s another fraudster whose profile is becoming more and more common (up by 40% over the last 10 years). These “pink collar criminals” are female long-term employees in trusted financial and administrative positions and their numbers are rising year by year.

In order to tackle this rising threat, today’s investigators must consider the different motives and strategies of these emerging criminals and the new challenges they bring.

Join Kelly Paxton, Founder of Financial Caseworks LLC and PinkCollarCrime.com as well as a CFE and fraud educator, as she outlines the special considerations for investigating pink collar criminals.

The webinar will cover:

  • How to spot the female fraudster in your company
  • Measures to prevent pink collar crime
  • Investigation strategies for catching pink collar criminals
  • Considerations for interviewing the female suspect

Webinar Presenter

Kelly Paxton
Kelly Paxton

Kelly Paxton is a Certified Fraud Examiner. She has a background as a commodities trader, stock broker, bond trader and special agent for US Customs, where she specialized in white collar crime, narcotics and undercover operations. Kelly has also been a contract investigator for the Department of Homeland Security where she carried out hundreds of top secret clearance background investigations. From 2007 to 2009, Kelly was the fraud analyst at the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Fraud and Identity Theft Enforcement team, preparing cases for prosecution. Kelly operated Financial CaseWorks LLC from 2009-2014. From 2014-2016 she was an investigator for Nike. Since 2016 Kelly has spoken about pink collar crime to hundreds of fraud examiners, auditors and business owners.

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