Why Mobile MUST be Part of Your HR Software Strategy
Why Mobile MUST be Part of Your HR Software Strategy
Don’t be left behind when Workforce 2020 demands collaborative, mobile technology solutions.
If you’re not incorporating mobile into your business strategy, you might as well pack up your shingle now. The workforce of the future will incorporate mobile into everyday functions, and it won’t be up to companies to decide whether or not to ride the wave. Those that don’t will simply die off.
That’s the message that Jason Averbook, Chief Business Innovation Officer at Appirio wants to send loud and clear. Averbook warns that HR departments need to become more outward focused and embrace mobile technology as part of HR software solutions now to be ready for the day when five generations of workers will be in the workforce, with the younger generations expecting to use the technology that they have grown up with.
Mobile is Mandatory
Averbook talks about his eight-year old and five-year old children who are already making videos and getting their homework assignments off websites. When they enter the workforce in 10 or 15 years, that’s the way they are going to expect to work, says Averbook. “They are not going to want to use desktops and laptops, they are going to want to use a tablet,” he says.
“In 10 years that’s where the world’s going to be. There’s no question. So, that being said, what do I do, as an HR function, to prepare? If my technology is such that people have to be in the office to use it, that’s not going to work.”
HR departments need to plan now to avoid being left behind. Hear what Jason Averbook has to say about the importance of mobile and collaborative technology for the future of business and why human resources departments need to prepare for the next Y2K.