What's Your Workplace Fraud IQ?
Think you know workplace fraud? Take this quiz to test your knowledge on all things fraud-related.
It's International Fraud Awareness Week: an entire week dedicated to shining the spotlight on fraud awareness and education.
There's no better time than now, during Fraud Week, to test your fraud IQ and brush up on a few fraud facts.
Learning About Employee Fraud
If you’ve ever read an article about fraud, I can guarantee you that they've included a sentence or two on the importance of educating yourself about fraud in the workplace.
Learning about workplace fraud is not learning for learning's sake. Understanding workplace fraud helps to give you the skills and confidence to combat other types of fraud.
With this knowledge, you’re more comfortable reporting suspicions, you’re better equipped to educate others and you’re more prepared to minimize fraud inside and outside your company.
Celebrate Fraud Week with our quiz below. These 20 true or false and multiple choice questions will test you on the different types of fraud, detection, prevention, trends and statistics.
If you enjoy the quiz, you'll be happy to know that most of the questions and answers come from the 41 Types of Employee Fraud article!