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Preventing Harassment and Bullying Through Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Preventing Harassment and Bullying Through Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

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In a 2019 Monster survey, 90 per cent of employees said they had experienced bullying in the workplace. The Pew Research Center reports that 69 per cent of women say they have been sexually harassed in a professional setting. These numbers point to a serious problem that leaders can’t afford to ignore.

Policies and training are, of course, critical to the prevention of bullying and harassment, but there are other avenues that you may not have considered. Diversity and inclusion have benefits that go far beyond compliance. Not only do companies that embrace diversity and inclusion outperform those that don’t, but understanding, accepting and valuing differences ensures a fairer, more collaborative environment with less conflict.

Join Catherine Mattice, president of Civility Partners, a training and consulting firm focused on helping organizations build positive workplace cultures, as she explores strategies for using diversity and inclusion to prevent harassment and bullying.

The webinar will cover:

  • What constitutes bullying and harassment in the workplace
  • Best practices for addressing and preventing bullying and harassment
  • How diversity and inclusion helps to reduce bullying and harassment
  • How to achieve diversity and inclusion
  • Case studies of how bullying, inequities and harassment tie together, and how resolving one requires resolving all

Webinar Presenter
Catherine Mattice
Catherine Mattice

The founder of Civility Partners, Catherine Mattice, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, is a Strategic HR Consultant who assists organizations in building positive cultures through HR practices. Catherine is a widely recognized thought-leader in HR, and she is passionate about employers’ responsibility to create the opportunity and environment for employees to thrive – it shows in her sheer number of conferences and publications.

She has appeared on/in NPR, CNN, USA Today, Time.com and more as an expert, she has published articles in a wide variety of venues, and was a regular contributor to Forbes.com.

Catherine’s award-winning first book, BACK OFF! Your Kick-Ass Guide to Ending Bullying at Work, was hailed by international leadership-guru, Ken Blanchard, as, “the most comprehensive and valuable handbook on the topic.” She’s since written two more books, and is a LinkedIn Learning course author.

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