Reading the Signs of Deception
Reading the Signs of Deception
Chapter 2: How to Detect Deception in Investigation Interviews
Chapter 1: History of Detecting Deception
Chapter 2: Reading the Signs of Deception
Humans learn to deceive at a very early age, grasping the concept at around 18 months and mastering it by the time we are 36 months old. With that kind of on-the-job training, it’s not surprising that many of us are adept at lying and that detecting deception is a difficult skill to acquire.
An investigator requires finely honed powers of observation in order to notice changes in the language and demeanor of interview subjects. Just as importantly, you must be able to articulate the clues that cause you to conclude that someone is being deceptive.
Having a feeling that someone isn’t telling the truth isn’t good enough. You may be right, but you need to be able to explain why.
Investigators should never react to statements made by an interviewee. You should remain non-judgmental, fair, objective and emotionless. Keep in mind that while you are observing verbal, non-verbal and physical actions of the subject, you could also be sending messages through your own verbal, non-verbal and physical actions.
Chapter 5: Language Indicators of Deception