Smart Hiring, Training and Education, Establish a Reporting System
Smart Hiring, Training and Education, Establish a Reporting System
Chapter 1: Detecting and Preventing Employee Theft
Chapter 1: Smart Hiring, Training and Education, Establish a Reporting System
1. Smart Hiring
Checking references and performing criminal and other background checks are just the beginning. Sometimes it’s the more obvious and seldom-checked information that can tip you off to a dishonest applicant. You can screen them out by doing the following extra checks:
- Confirm name and address of applicants
- Confirm educational qualifications
- Check membership in professional bodies
- Confirm employment history
- Check financial status
- Confirm directorships held and any disqualifications
- Perform a media and internet search
2. Training and Education
Provide your employees with anti-fraud and theft policies and training. Make sure the consequences for violating such policies are clearly laid out and understood by all employees. Ensure all employees are aware of the tools and techniques to report fraud.
During training sessions, explain to employees why it’s important to report fraud and theft and the consequences those types of activities have on the company. Make sure employees sign a form stating that they have read the policy and received training and that they understand all of the information. Your company name is riding on the backs of your employees- they are your ambassadors and your best line of defense against fraud. Let them know that.
3. Establish a Reporting System/ Hotline
Anonymous reporting hotlines have been identified as the most effective and most commonly used method of detecting fraud. And employees are reportedly speaking up more frequently, now that these mechanisms are in place. Anonymous hotlines allow employees to look out for the best interests of the company without fear of reprisal.” i-Sight (now Case IQ) Investigation Software is a great system that is easy to use and allows you to track these tips as they come in and keeps all details in one place as you carry out your investigation.
Chapter 2: Positive Work Environment and Internal Security Policies
Chapter 3: Audits, Pay Attention to Change, Investigate ALL Tips
Chapter 4: Lead by Example and Continuous Improvement